Mission Catalyst Releases Video Report on its Church Planting Projects
by AT News Team
Mission Catalyst is an independent Adventist organization involved in a number of innovative church planting projects across North America. It is not officially connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, although it communications the same message.
Ron Gladden, coordinator for Mission Catalyst, admits that its’ status is controversial for some, and reports that its unaffiliated status has actually proved useful in winning people to Christ. Many Americans, particularly younger adults, are increasingly skeptical of the whole concept of denominations and independent congregations are growing more rapidly than those affiliated with any denomination, according to the 2010 United States Census of Religion released just a few weeks ago.
What is Mission Catalyst doing? Readers can see the four-minute video report at www.vimeo.com/43307841. It carefully explains the approach that this parachurch evangelism ministry is taking.
“Take a look,” says Gladden, who has planted a number of congregations over the years that are affiliated with the denomination. “When you’re finished … pray for us as we branch out to the next city.”