Miniskirts. Artificial eyelashes. Tattoos. Hanging pants. Aunty, how can God bless his people when they dress like this?
11 January 2024 |
Dear Aunt Sevvy,
Makeup. Miniskirts. Gaudy hosiery. Hanging pants showing underwear. Necklaces. Earrings. Painted and artificial fingernails. Artificial eyelashes. Tattoos. Finger rings. Women in men’s attire. I cannot even finish the list, these things bother me so much! How can God’s people dress like this?
Signed, Offended
Dear Offended:
Aunty doesn’t necessarily like every one of these styles herself. But given that Jesus accepted a wide range of people as followers—even a prostitute, a despised tax collector, and several gentiles—I wonder if this isn’t a case of man looking on the outward appearance, while the Lord looks at the heart.
It seems to Aunty that you spend a lot of your time each Sabbath evaluating the outward aspect of others. I wonder: in light of Jesus’ advice to “Judge not, that you be not judged, because by what judgment you make of others so will you be judged,” what is going on in your own life? I doubt you would be happy if others would judge you as mercilessly as you judge them.
Aunty believes that when people know Jesus, they will eventually adapt their lives (and their appearance) to that relationship. But that, it seems to Aunty, isn’t for you to make happen. Aunty counsels you to pray for others, and let God make in them the changes that need to be made.
Aunt Sevvy
Aunt Sevvy has collected her answers into a book! You can get it from Amazon by clicking here.
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