Millions of Adventist Teens, Young Adults Do Social Action Projects This Weekend
By AT News Team, March 19, 2015: Sabbath (March 21) is Youth Day for the denomination and “eight million Seventh-day Adventist Millennials will be storming the villages, towns and cities throughout our world to be the hands and the feet of Jesus,” reports Dr. Allan Martin, a pastor in Dallas, Texas, and former professor of youth and young adult ministry at the Andrews University seminary who moderates the Young Adult Ministry forum on Facebook.
The denomination’s General Conference (GC) has asked every Adventist local church to observe Global Youth Day with activities “that will inspire daily acts of kindness throughout the entire church. The goal is to integrate daily acts of kindness into our lifestyles, both as individuals and as a church,” states the official materials from the GC youth department.
Tens of thousands of congregations will implement compassion projects on Sabbath afternoon and Sunday this weekend. These will include distributing food and personal items to the homeless; packages with toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, gloves and warm socks. Others will deliver food baskets to the sick, shut-ins and others in need; hand out toys, clothing and age-appropriate books at orphanages; organize a food collection drive and/or a blood donation drive in collaboration with a local food bank or the Red Cross; and organize activities for children, such as reading stories and acting out Bible stories.
Unfortunately, many local churches in North America, Europe and Australia will not have any Youth Day activities simply because they have no one who attends who is under 35 years of age. Adventist Today would like to hear what happens in your congregation. Please send reports to by Email or post a response in the Comments area below.