inSpire Songwriting Contest
Debbonnaire Kovacs, 1-5-17
Calling all song writers! Here is a contest you need to know about. This information is from the inSpire website. inSpire is “a research and development entity for creative ministry in the Pacific Union Conference. inSpire is a virtual and real community of Seventh-day Adventist members gifted in, and passionate about the creative arts who wish to share their ideas and creations in a collaborative way. Songwriting, drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, poetry, videography and more can be used in powerful ways to convey God’s stories of hope and healing to our churches and surrounding communities.”
inSpire 2017 Songwriting Contest
This is a early heads-up to let you know about inSpire’s 2017 songwriting contest. Submissions begin January 5 and end March 23, 2017. Songs should have a spiritual message and be culturally relevant.
The preferred recording mode is a singer/songwriter style that is simple and acoustic based! Imagine sitting in a coffee shop or small concert venue and hearing someone share their heartfelt songs. As always, the judges are looking at the integrity of the songs, but the better the performance and recording, the greater the chance that your song will stand out.
This year we are looking for songs with a spiritual message that are personal and heartfelt.