“I AM Your Shield” –God
By Debbonnaire Kovacs, posted Feb 18, 2016
During the past decade, powerful, prayerful, loving counseling has brought me out of a place of deep psychological fear where I lived for decades. Believing that art is one of the most powerful ways to create and express change, especially change in the way one views reality, I have been working for a long time on this piece, which is based on a hand-drawn Celtic cross design and is created with all the Bible verses I could find that quoted God as saying “Fear not” or “Don’t be afraid.” The material is leather, bought while on sabbatical in 2013 on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. I had been collecting the verses for several years at that point. The marking is done with a fine-point black Sharpie, and I hope to soon have a piece of metal cut to fit and curved like a shield so that I can hang this where I will see it often. I have not used all my verses by any means, so I will probably add some designs in the open quarters.
Until it can be hung, it is difficult to photograph; I hope you can read some of the close-up photo. It features a plain “Fear Not” in its center, and Genesis 15:1 (subject of this week’s devotion) as one of its central knots. The central knot also features Gen. 26:24, Isa. 43:1, and Mark 5:36. (Note: I always put in my own name if a name is mentioned in a passage. In one case, you may see Áapí Kíníí Ítan, which is my Blackfoot name, given to me by the Creator in my teens.)