How It All Began
By S M Chen, posted June 23, 2016 by D Kovacs
Father’s Day 2016
The older I get,
The better you seem.
You may have died,
But not your dream
For all of us –
Your offspring.
So on this day
Your praise I sing.
For compared with
Some of the rest,
I was fortunate;
You were the best.
On this, your day,
I think of you
And miss you quite;
That much is true.
For even though
You’ve been long gone,
Our memories
Live on and on.
Though you could not
Give many ‘things,’
You gave me roots;
You gave me wings
To be the man
I hoped to be.
To start my own
Family tree.
I can’t but give thanks
That I came from you…
With grace we’ll embrace
In the earth made new.