Good News Unlimited: Des Ford Special Edition
by Thomas Durst | 1 July 2019 |
This special memorial publication from Good News Unlimited evoked deep emotions in me as I read it, for I was significantly impacted by the ministry of Dr Desmond Ford. In late 1979 a friend sent me Des’s PUC Forum lecture on the ramifications of Hebrews chapter 9 and their impact on the Adventist doctrine of 1844 and the investigative judgment. I found myself listening to it over and over again, and joy was awakened within me at the clarity of the gospel that came through this lecture.
My journey in Adventism had become very dry at that time. I obtained more of Des’s lectures on cassettes early in 1980, and it awakened a sense of joy that continued to grow. Over the next few months I re-examined the distinctive doctrines of Adventism and decided I could no longer support them. This was very traumatic, since I had been an Adventist for 29 years. I had sincerely believed that these distinctives were essential to salvation, and didn’t discard them without much prayer and intense Bible study, especially of the book of Hebrews. Des’s Glacier View manuscript that came to me in the summer of 1980, and the facts that it revealed, solidified my decision to leave Adventism.
In this special edition are articles and tributes to Des Ford from Eliezer Gonzalez, Gill Ford, Iris Yob, Caroline Taylor-Knight, Tammy Brinsmead, Judy Lyew, Bill Zytnik, Richie Way, Trevor Lloyd, Norman Young, Milton Hook, Ken Lawson, Ron J. Allen, and Elenne Ford. What impressed me more than anything else as I read the tributes was that they remembered Des for his dedication to and proclamation of the gospel as central, and how it impacted their lives. The bulk of the magazine itself is composed of articles and excerpts from Des’s own writings which are expositions of the gospel. Readers of this publication will be reading more about the gospel of Jesus Christ than they do about the life of Dr. Desmond Ford. What a legacy to leave behind for generations to come!
The magazine is available from Good News Unlimited (Australia) at a cost of USD $14. Those who would like a copy should email
Thomas E. Durst writes from Spokane, Washington.