Ghanaian Adventist Conference President Calls for Church to Take Lead in Protecting the Environment
March 22, 2017: Pastor Seth Asare Nyarko, president of the newly-created Diamond-field Ghana Conference of the Adventist Church recently made an appeal for his denomination to take the lead in national efforts to protect the environment.
Speaking at his induction as conference president, Nyarko insisted that his denomination could not be indifferent to the destruction of the natural environment.
Nyarko specifically highlighted the state of the forests and bodies of water in his appeal.
In a March 21 article, the Ghana News Agency reported that Nyarko framed responsible environmental protection as a religious duty for Adventists. He called for members to be “responsible stewards of the Lord’s creation.”
Nyarko pushed for a change of attitude about environmental issues. He asked for complaining about environmental challenges to stop and for action aimed at correcting problems to take its place.
He called for a public campaign aimed at educating the public about harm being done to the environment as well as about the serious consequences of “our actions and inaction.”
Nyarko was inducted into his role as conference president in a service held in the Birim Central Municipality which is located in the Eastern Region of south Ghana.
The geographical territory occupied by the new Diamond-field Ghana Conference was previously part of the Ghanaian Adventist Church’s East Ghana Conference.
Despite substantial steps taken to prevent environmental harm in Ghana by the nation’s Environmental Protection Agency, serious challenges still pose threats.
These threats include waste management, illegal mining, deforestation, and pollution of various kinds.