Evangelism Campaign Begun in Dublin, Ireland
From News Releases
More than 200 were in attendance on Sunday (September 14) when the City of Hope evangelism campaign had its first public event at the downtown Ballsbridge Hotel featuring noted American Adventist evangelist Mark Finley. The project actually began more than a year ago when church members were asked identify one or more individuals that they might eventually invite.
The invitations were mailed on September 6, about 1,000 personally addressed and signed invitations all together. Finley also prepared a short video message explaining the goal of his three weeks of lectures on the theme “Ancient discoveries reveal the future” with film from archaeological sites in the Middle East. More than 175,000 advertising pieces were sent out.
A crowd the same size has been present all this week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Finley will continue four nights a week through Saturday, October 4. The campaign began 18 months ago and has meetings for Adventists with Finley and the team in May, training seminars with local leadership through the summer, a special edition of Focus magazine, a series of “Tough Questions” videos designed for a Dublin audience, and a Youth Impact project during the last week of August.
Standing at the entrance to Pearse Street Station in Dublin during Thursday morning rush hour, Irish Mission President, Pastor David Neal, is fairly buzzing with excitement. While handing out the Focus magazine to commuters he shared that,
An enthusiastic Dubliner with a broad Irish accent told Finley on the second evening, “I’m not very religious and I don’t usually come to meetings like this. I came last night, and I listened. I said to my wife and to my son, ‘If there is eternity, we would be foolish not to investigate it.'” He was there with his family again the following evening.
“This is the biggest evangelistic program to ever happen in the Irish Mission,” stated Pastor David Neal, president of the Adventist Church in Ireland, as he stood at an entrance to the Pearse Street subway station in Dublin, reported TED News. “Church members are united and excited. We have seen God’s guidance in the planning.”
“Our aim is not 20, 50, 100 baptisms but to change the culture of the local church to one where they believe and experience that outreach is not just possible but is a reality,” Finley stated. “Our goal is to support what the pastors and members will do and what they have already done.”
The sessions can be seen via life streaming video on the Web: https://cityofhope.ie/
TED News is the news publication of the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.