Editorial: “How Helping People Shower Is Following Jesus”
I’ve recently begun working in a skilled nursing facility as Director of Social Services and it has introduced me to some really beautiful people in the form of the patients.
These lovely people who have lifetimes of experience and wisdom are experiencing a difficult time in their lives. Most of them have some form of dementia, most of them are in pain. They need help to use the bathroom, eat, and take showers.
In other words, these are some of the most vulnerable people I’ve ever worked with. It is easy for some people to write these folks off. But we know from the Bible that the way to follow Jesus is by lifting up the vulnerable.
I John 3:16-18 says:
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
I am proud to be working with some people who take this calling seriously. Therapists who find creative ways to encourage movement and flexibility. Nurse assistants who shower and toilet their patients with gentleness and dignity over and over every day. Even the kitchen staff works hard to provide meals tailored to every person’s personal dietary needs and food preferences.
Caregiving is tedious, messy, and most of the time, thankless. These professionals who truly care about and for their patients are following in the footsteps of Jesus, whether they think of it that way or not.
Some in church circles have been wooed by the lure of money, fame, or power. Those things can have a powerful pull on all of us, but Jesus didn’t care about those things. Jesus washed people’s feet.
I’d rather be like Jesus. Wouldn’t you?
Lindsey Abston Painter
Writer & Editor, Adventist Today magazine and website
7 September 2024
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