EDITORIAL: Don’t Be Embarrassed to Be a Seventh-day Adventist!
Adventism has a PR problem, it seems to me. We tend to be insular, sticking to our own kind. Many of us enjoy living in one of the Adventist bubbles—be it Berrien Springs, Silver Spring, Loma Linda, or in my case, Binfield, England, the home of Newbold College. While we like to think of ourselves as the remnant, those around us might see us as elusive, somewhat judgmental vegetarians who are perpetually unavailable on Saturdays and strangely aloof in our communities. In some Adventist communities, there isn’t a whole lot of space for dissenting views or for meaningful, open discussion.
But don’t forget that our pioneers were hungry for new light, and championed the concept of progressive revelation. Our people live long and are healthy. We run hospitals, schools and helping ministries all over the world. While today some discourage us from critiquing our faith and thinking for ourselves, we don’t have to be that way. Our pioneers weren’t.
And at Adventist Today, we aren’t, either. We’re bucking the trend of groupthink. We celebrate the marvelous qualities we’ve inherited from the past, but we also ask the hard questions and explore new ways to appreciate our church.
The future can be different.
We want to partner with you in building a city of refuge in Adventism. AT is a place for open, meaningful discussion—a platform where the gospel is central and the facts of what’s happening in the Adventist world can be communicated transparently through accessible, independent journalism that isn’t censored by anyone.
This Friday, December 1, marks the start of our 2023 year-end fundraiser. Please give generously in support of AT’s efforts to challenge the Adventist Church to be the best it can be—an inclusive, generous faith community willing to grow and serve.
Bjorn Karlman
Executive Director, Adventist Today
2 December 2023
Our year-end fundraiser continues through December. Please click here help us have a successful fundraiser.
Today’s ATSS class (1:30 PM Eastern) with Dr. Olive Hemmings can be found here.
Direct zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87940864593
Passcode: JESUS
Last week’s ATSS recording with Reinder Bruinsma can be heard here.
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