Comments of the Week January 5-12
Comments of the Week January 5-12
“It’s called ‘lay activities’ and is a very effective means of church growth.” —Jeffrey C. Taylor on the satire piece about why parents lock the door to pray each Sabbath afternoon
Comments on Badge of an Oppressor, Exorcisms, Satire, Is My Child a Jerk?, and Aunt Sevvy
Do I Wear the Badge of an Oppressor?
“This article is one of the most profound and insightful articles we have published in recent times. I also wonder about the obsession of people of the West in so easily investing in missions in the Global South. But lack the same dedication to serve the impoverished in our urban centers and rural communities. Some might say it is rooted in non-violent colonialism and an unspoken oppressive ideology that gets masked behind a biblical mandate of “go thee throughout the world” and social humanitarism.
Do Ordinary Christians Need Exorcisms?
“This is a topic I have wondered about but not put any effort into studying. Probably because I am wary and do not want to walk ‘close to the edge’ of possible danger. I do think demons are present and active in our world. Just having said that, though, I have a certain level of fear that my statement would be perceived as an invitation for a demon to take advantage of me. I guess that sounds paranoid. It all just makes me nervous. I pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit.“
–Patti Purdy Hansen Tompkins
SATIRE: Kid Wonders Why Parents Have to Lock Door for Prayer Every Sabbath Afternoon
“It’s called ‘lay activities’ and is a very effective means of church growth.”
–Jeffrey C. Taylor
“They are earnestly praying for a baby brother or sister for him.”
–Aldona Jones
“I don’t have children, so I usually stay a bit quiet about them. But what Melody describes—always justifying the actions of one’s children, no matter how distasteful—is something everyone has seen. It came up a lot when I was on the board of the church school, and parents would take the side of their children against teachers and other children. You wonder, ‘Don’t you parents see that’s not defensible behavior?’ And sometimes, they just didn’t. Their ‘little angels’ were always right.”
–Loren Seibold
Aunty, must church workers work themselves half to death just because they’re doing God’s work?
“(has a light-bulb moment)
–Aldona Jones