Comments of the Week December 23-29
Comments of the Week December 23-29
“Who bows down, or worships their Christmas tree? No more than you bow down or pray to your child’s picture. Common sense needs to be used in ALL things!” –-Barbara Clark Wassom on whether Jeremiah bans Christmas Trees
Comments on Grief, Christmas Scolds, Aunt Sevvy, and Missing the Forest for the Christmas Trees
“Linda, thank you for sharing your story. I lost my husband a year ago to Parkinson’s disease, and I have never felt angry at God about it either, because I feel the same way you do. We live in a world where bad things happen. The last line of your piece resonates with me perfectly: “When you don’t believe that God is the puppet master pulling all the strings, you don’t blame Him when a string breaks.” Please take gentle care of yourself.”
“I feel sad that Adventist Home, one of the absolute worst compilations, is even still in print, much less receiving “fresh” translations.
–David Johnson
“A good friend and I are the decorating coordinators at our church; we have two large trees on the platform, and another in the foyer please wreaths etc, nativity’s. No one complains, it’s appreciated. The two trees up front have snowflakes and poinsettias, but the tree in the foyer has red cardinals, silver angels, and wooden tags with spiritual messages and small birds on, also the different names of Jesus decorating snowflakes. Now, tell me if there is anything offensive in all of that! I must run with a different crowd! We all decorate for Christmas!”
–Julie Estella
Aunty, doesn’t Jeremiah 10 ban Christmas Trees?
“Who bows down, or worships their Christmas tree? No more than you bow down or pray to your child’s picture. Common sense needs to be used in ALL things!”
–Barbara Clark Wassom
“Perhaps this is why people got so upset when people in small apartments started hanging their Christmas trees upside down to save floor space. Too close to fastening it to the wall. I find it ironic that it was some Christians objecting most loudly to this because it somehow diminished the Christ-ness of the thing.”
–Glen Milam
Missing the Forest for the Christmas Tree
“This whole box of pagan holiday issues, etc, is like a cat box full of feces!! Where do people think the name for days of weeks, etc, come from? Naming and observing whatever, and their names associated with such, simply came about by whoever came up first with the idea. To castigate the observing or noticing of such occasions because of who named them is false piousness, in my opinion, and has no connection to the reality of Following Christ. (hmmm…opinion too strong?)”
–James Ray Stovall
“Well stated. Thank you for emphasizing Jesus in the face of oftentimes harsh criticism. We should be rejoicing in the fact that He was willing to leave behind the comfort & safety of heaven to enter our hostile world because He wanted to be with us, to suffer & die for us, to save us! Glory to God in the highest.”
–Clifford Holm