ATSS: Reinder Bruinsma “Can the Church Change?”
23 November 2023 |
Change is a biblical concept. Change happened in Bible times. The world around us is changing.
It seems to many of us that the church must change if it wants to remain relevant and to be successful in its mission.
Not everyone agrees. Some imagine a church of the past—the church of the pioneers, or perhaps the church of their own childhood—that should be maintained for all times.
As we think about change, these are the kinds of questions that come up.
- What about us should be allowed to change? What do we need to change?
- Are there things are so central to our identity that they should never change?
- Has the church changed since 1844—indeed, since the first Christians in the first century?
- How will we initiate and implement change?
- Can some congregations or individuals change, and others stay the same? Or do we all have to march in lockstep in beliefs and methodology?
Reinder Bruinsma lives in the Netherlands with his wife, Aafje. He has served the Adventist Church in various assignments in publishing, education, and church administration on three continents. He still maintains a busy schedule of preaching, teaching, and writing. He blogs at
Raj Attiken is an adjunct professor at Kettering College, and a retired president of the Ohio Conference.
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The class is intended to last about 2 hours, though the conversation often continues to 4 PM (Eastern time).
About our class:
- The AT Sabbath Seminar is intended to be a courteous forum. We discuss and ask questions politely. We don’t accuse, get angry, put people down, or judge the state of their salvation.
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- Make your comments and questions short—don’t dominate.
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- Indicate your interest in speaking by raising your electronic hand—under the “reactions” button.
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We look forward to getting acquainted with you!
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Coming up:
- Tom deBruin
- Olive Hemmings (WAU)
- Tihomir Lazic
- Andreas Bochman
- Steve Case