AT Editor Among Those Honored by Association of Adventist Women
30 October 2023 |
The Association of Adventist Women’s annual vespers and banquet, November 4, 2023, at La Sierra University, will be giving their annual awards to women and men who have served in the cause of justice.
Vespers (4:00 PM at the at La Sierra University Church, and open to all) will feature stories of Adventist female evangelists who baptized thousands, and raised up and pastored churches.
The Woman of the Year awards banquet is at 6pm in the La Sierra University Church Fellowship Hall.
Among the awardees:
- Theologian Olive Hemmings writes and teaches about feminism, righteousness, and justice—including for Adventist Today. Dr. Hemmings began her career at Northern Caribbean University and has taught at Washington Adventist University for 20 years.
- Normal Nashed is the president and founder of the nonprofit Restore a Child, raising money for Adventist orphanages throughout the world.
- Drene Somasundram was a pioneer female pastor in the United Kingdom. She won the Ken Goulding Award for excellence for her D.Min. thesis entitled “Gender-Inclusive Theological Education,” and later mentored women pastors and teachers in Australia.
- Pastor Maria Silvia Neri Castrejon cared for churches in Mexico City for 19 years, evangelizing and mentoring pastoral interns.
The Association of Adventist Women is also giving two Champion of Justice Awards:
- The first was planned almost a year ago for Dr. William G Johnsson, theologian and editor who passed away in March. Dr. Johnsson was an editor, teacher, administrator, and strong supporter of ordaining women. He will be given the award posthumously.
- Adventist Today editor Loren Seibold is receiving the award for his role in advancing conversations about female ordination, LGBTQ acceptance, and “big tent” Adventism.
Vespers and is free for all to attend, and will be livestreamed on the La Sierra University Church website. Banquet tickets can be purchased at