ASI and AWR Launch Extensive Outreach Campaign During Paris Olympics 2024
2 July 2024 |
Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI) and Adventist World Radio (AWR) are gearing up for a mission campaign set to coincide with the upcoming Olympics in Paris from July 26 to August 11. According to their website: “Given that the ‘whole world’ is coming to Paris during the period of the Olympics, we want to take this opportunity to execute a major mission campaign.”
The four parts of the campaign will include distributing literature, holding health expos, providing music performances, and hosting a Bible expo. Over the course of three weeks, volunteers will distribute hundreds of thousands of religious texts, including 48,000 copies of The Great Controversy in French, 20,000 in English, and then other translations including Portuguese, Dutch, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi.
Additional literature being handed out will include 30,000 French copies of The Desire of Ages provided by the Northern French Conference, with AWR adding another 50,000. Meanwhile, 50,000 French copies of Steps to Christ will be distributed, along with health-focused tracts, such as copies of a booklet by “Amazing Facts” covering the “NEWSTART” wellness principles. The campaign will also include “current event” tracts aimed at addressing global issues, health, and mental well-being, with titles such as “What Is Happening in Our World Today?” and “Secrets of Peak Mental Health,” each available in multiple languages and totaling hundreds of thousands of copies.
Organizers have applied for permission to set up booths within the secured Olympic area, where they plan to hold the health expos and serve plant-based foods; however, the website reads that it hasn’t yet been approved and is still “a prayer request.”
Novo Tom choir from SDA University in São Paulo, Brazil, will be performing at the events, and approximately 40 students from Brazil and Norway will be joining the mission, alongside volunteers from across Europe.
During their downtime, mission participants will hold a camp meeting of sorts in the campsite where they will be staying, engaging in daily prayer, testimonies, and discussions to bolster their experience and support those new to outreach missions. Participants are encouraged to bring their own mobile home or caravan, and pay for their own campsite alongside the group.
To learn more about the ASI/AWR Paris campaign, view the website here.