Anticipating AT1–May 15, 2020
Uncertain times have the potential of inflaming our additions. Jesus offers counter-cultural solutions to the dysfunctions of our private and public lives.
Welcome to Anticipating AT1. To keep our hope alive that one day we will be back together again, we are providing virtual meetings, with a new edition every Friday.
Anticipating AT1 will be about 10-15 minutes long, and can be viewed at any time. We hope it prompts personal reflection by you and your loved ones as you shelter safely at home.
We’d also encourage you to use Anticipating AT1 as a discussion catalyst with your friends as you talk with them by phone, FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or in the other ways you connect during physical distancing.
Discussion Questions
1. Pornography is everywhere and easily accessible. What safeguards are you putting in place to not let it draw you away from a healthy sex life?
2. How do you keep from straying into legalism as you relate to others and their sexual preferences?
3. As important as it is to have sexual abuse prevention discussed by church leaders, local Adventist communities cannot wait for official statements before preventative action is taken on the ground. What are we doing in our local congregations and institutions to improve reporting of and rapid response to sexual abuse?
Be well, and love well.