Anticipating AT1–July 10, 2020
Preachers love to quote Jesus saying, “Go sell everything, and give the money to the poor,” but is that really the whole story? Who supported the Savior and the disciples as they walked all over Galilee? Who had the means to bury Jesus in a proper tomb? Christ certainly lived on miracles, but he was also sustained by those followers who had planned ahead and believed in the mission of the Master.
We’re so glad you’ve found Anticipating AT1. To keep our hope alive that one day we will be back together again, we are providing virtual meetings, with a new edition every Friday. Anticipating AT1 is 10-15 minutes long, and can be viewed at any time. We hope it prompts personal reflection, and is a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
Nancy Myers introduces this week’s edition of Anticipating AT1. Our message of hope is presented by Pastor John McLarty. Jammie Karlman brings us Adventist trending news. And stay by to listen to beautiful music played by April Knopper.
Discussion Questions:
1. An effective church treasurer was often heard saying, “There is no ministry if there is no margin.” Good business practices are just as necessary as surprise financial gifts. Do you agree with that treasurer, or do you wish ministry funding were more mystical than that?
2. Do you like for your friends and family to know what you support financially, or do you prefer to remain completely anonymous? Why?
3. The North American Division stressed accepting government aid for church entities might lead to government intrusion in church governance in the future. But it’s a fact that churches need money to operate. Should it matter where the money comes from? Do the ends justify the means?
Be well, and love well.