Anticipating AT1–January 29, 2021
Millennials and GenZs are walking away from the Adventist denomination in large numbers. As they slip away, they’re saying to each other (or at least thinking to themselves), “The church said they were my spiritual home. Why are they so willing to let me go?” Sobering! Right?
We’re so delighted you’ve found Anticipating AT1. From our inspirational message, to our thought-provoking AT Trending News, to our melodic moment of music, we trust this short program adds value to your week.
Today’s Host – Paul Richardson
Presenter – Brenda Billingy (Click to hear her entire presentation)
Trending News – Jammie Karlman
Musician – Seaside Traverse
Please tell your friends about these videos by forwarding this link to them. We hope these weekly videos prompt personal reflection, and are a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
Discussion Questions:
1. As you think about people you know who are no longer active in the church, do you think they left for theological reasons, or for relational reasons? Or both? What can be done to create a connection again?
2. When we feel like we are being attacked, how can we continue our ministry?
Be well, and love well.