Anticipating AT1–February 12, 2021
Have you ever wondered if Adventists danced more that we would be better at working together? While we have a history of not dancing, what benefits would it bring to our denominational health message if we did? An important topic to consider on this Valentine’s holiday weekend.
We’re so delighted you’ve found Anticipating AT1. From our inspirational message, to our thought-provoking AT Trending News, to our melodic moment of music, we trust this short program adds value to your week.
Today’s Host – Stefani Leeper
Presenter – Dilys Brooks
Trending News – Jammie Karlman
Musician – Seaside Traverse
Please tell your friends about these videos by forwarding this link to them. We hope these weekly videos prompt personal reflection, and are a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
Discussion Questions:
1. Are dance steps an insightful metaphor for our spiritual journey? Does letting Jesus lead in the dance of life mean anything to you?
2. As Christians, we like to say we follow God’s lead. Where do you think God is leading on the issue of homosexuality?
Be well, and love well.
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