Adventist Hospitals Deal With the Pandemic
3 June 2020 | Around the world Adventist hospitals are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of the local conditions and needs of the communities they serve.
The Loma Linda University Medical Center is the denomination’s leading hospital, and it provides an example of how Adventist healthcare institutions are seeking to deal with the epidemic conditions.
Below is a news release from Loma Linda University Health detailing its transition to the new normal:
From Loma Linda University Health:
Loma Linda University Health is gradually returning to normal patient activities, including procedures (both inpatient and outpatient surgeries). While many healthcare visits may be managed through video visits, we want to assure you that we have implemented appropriate infection prevention policies and procedures that aim to minimize the spread of COVID-19 for our patients and staff so patients can feel safe in our care.
We have included extra precautions from our already strict safety procedures.
Our hospitals and clinics are using appropriate infection prevention measures to help minimize the spread of COVID-19.
Temperature checks and screening questionnaires are being administered at the entry points into all of our facilities.
We are limiting visitors in our hospitals and clinics. Our providers are prepared with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) that is recommended for your care.
All visitors and staff are required to wear masks.
We have implemented appropriate cleaning procedures in our facilities.
We are encouraging physical distancing and are staggering appointments so there is reduced occupancy in our waiting rooms.
Visitor restrictions: Visitors are no longer allowed in our adult hospitals. While visiting loved ones is an important part of healing, this restriction is critical for the safety of all patients and staff. We encourage you to keep in contact with loved ones via phone and video calls if possible. Humanitarian exceptions may be made by each unit’s charge nurse.
Patient appointments: In-person appointments are still safe and available as needed. To help keep you healthy at home, many appointments are also available as telephone or video visits.
If you need care, don’t wait. Call 877-628-1356 to schedule an appointment today.
For more information and resources including questions about appointment, visit our Coronavirus: Information and Updates.