Advent Reflection for Adventist Today
By AT board member and growth strategist Chris Daley
We have entered another Advent season.
The brutal and turbulent times we live in would seem to let us think that peace is in the emergency room on life support.
The images of Gaza and Ukraine, along with the nightly news stories of our communities, leave us overwhelmed at times with hopeless despair.
How, then, can we sing with confidence and credibility about the center piece of the Advent, the Prince of Peace? Well, there is a Biblical motif that is woven into our DNA that gives us that courage. It is the motif of the city of refuge. The cities of refuge were those strategic safe places where protection from avengers could be found. They were places where justice was tempered with mercy for everyone.
This motif finds its Divine fulfillment in the amazing dispensation of grace through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the only Prince of Peace.
Through my belief in Him, I receive the priceless gifts of salvation, forgiveness, and reconciliation regardless of my past transgressions! Just imagine if our three angels were harbingers of grace, redemption, and restoration to the many souls yearning for a spiritual solace, a city of refuge.
We at Adventist Today strive to be such a safe place for all people. Your becoming or continuing to be a generous AT partner will allow us to continue to be overflowing vessels of love, grace, and hope, supplying healing balm to our ever-growing community.
Thank you for your partnership with AT on this impactful enterprise. May the Prince of Peace continue to abide with you this Advent season!