More Miracles Reported from Papua New Guinea’s PNG4Christ Campaign
5 June 2024 |
The recent PNG4Christ campaign has sparked overwhelming responses throughout Papua New Guinea, according to a May newsletter by Australian Union Conference President, Pastor Terry Johnson. The initiative has resulted in an astonishing 344,000 baptisms as of June 1, with expectations for an additional 150,000 to 200,000 by October. This surge in memberships will more than double the Papua New Guinea Union Mission’s count within a year, embodying a modern Pentecost experience.
Pastor Johnson describes a pastor’s testimonial of the profound impact of the Holy Spirit during the campaign. The pastor reported that “One of the people who was attending speaks only Pidgin, but early on in the series, while I was preaching, she felt a wind blow into her ears and all of a sudden she could understand me perfectly as if I could speak Pidgin! Many in the crowd of 13,800 had the same experience!” Similar miraculous experiences have occurred across the country.
Another sobering story from the campaign involved a man in Bougainville who tragically died while mocking a preaching session. Johnson reports that, “A 32 year old man was mimicking the lay pastor preaching a few nights ago at a site here in Bougainville. While making fun of the preaching he dropped to the ground. Took 3 breaths and died. This shook up his friends and family and many have responded to the call to follow Jesus.”
Looking ahead, the Australian Union Conference plans to replicate this spiritual awakening in Australia. Pastor Johnson reports that, in 2025, a nationwide tour will circumnavigate Australia, spreading the three angels’ message through collaboration with Faith FM, Hope TV, The Incredible Journey, “the Aussie Pastor,” and the Bible Discovery School, to more than 230 churches.