You Did It Again, AT Readers! Thank You for Making Our Spring Fundraiser a Success!
If you have not given yet but are on this page, chances are you value being part of an extended family that supports independent news, commentary and conversation in the Adventist community. Adventist Today is here to provide you with just that.
We’ve grown a lot over the last months by expanding our publishing, covering live events such as Annual Council and putting on a world-class event of our own, the AT1 Gathering that you may well have attended in Portland last fall. In addition, we are doing interesting things like building an international network of Adventist Today student representatives on Adventist university campuses around the world. To do all this, we really need your help and financial support.
So please check out the video below, share it with your friends and help us start the year strong with an excellent Spring Fundraiser.
You can donate one time by clicking here:
You can also opt for an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution here:
or call us toll-free at 800.236.3641
Thank you!!!