News Briefs for February 11, 2021
News reports from Bakersfield, California; Oakwood University, La Sierra University, ADRA Romania and Loma Linda University Health:
The Bakersfield Californian reported that nurses at Adventist Health Bakersfield’s Cath Lab sang a hymn to a patient who was panicked about a procedure she was about to undergo earlier this month.
Four nurses at the hospital – Alex Blanca, Alvin Tomas, Dana Tomas and Eilene Pham — sang the chorus of the patient’s favorite hymn, “How Great Thou Art.” This calmed her enough for the procedure to proceed successfully!
North Alabama’s local news television WHNT News 19 recently featured Dr. Leslie Pollard, President of Oakwood University, an historical black Seventh-day Adventist institution in Huntsville, Alabama.
In his comments to the station, Pollard said that the fact US Vice President Kamala Harris graduated from a Historically Black University, is significant.
Harris graduated from Howard University, an HBCU, in 1986 with a degree in political science and economics.
Harris is the first woman, first black person, and first person of Asian descent to hold the vice presidency. In addition, she is the first graduate of a Historically Black University to hold the office.
Pollard noted that US Senate Chaplain Barry Black, is an Oakwood graduate.
From La Sierra University via NAD News:
La Sierra University’s leadership recently announced to students and employees its plans to re-open the campus for fall quarter 2021-22 while keeping operations online through the end of the current school year.
The Riverside, California-based university’s emergency management team, which last year created and approved the university’s COVID-19 response and re-opening plan, voted on Jan. 19, 2021, in light of the national coronavirus vaccine rollout, a return of in-person, onsite operations this September for the next school year. The university moved its operations online on March 16, 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic descended upon the nation.
From the Inter-European Division:
ADRA Romania thanks the Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Madrid, Spain for the support provided by sending packages in December 2020, worth over EUR 32,000, for 347 academically gifted children from disadvantaged backgrounds. The donations supported the project “I want to go to school!”
With their help, ADRA Romania can complete the goal of fighting against early school departures by children, by offering them basic food, school supplies, hygiene items, and clothing every month.
From Loma Linda University Health:
Heart disease isn’t some vague threat, far off in the future. For most people, heart disease is caused by our daily lifestyle choices. When we make better choices, though, we can prevent 4 out of every 5 cases of heart disease.
This February, our experts are helping you make heart healthy choices. View their webinars for tips, then get started with a new heart health challenge every week.
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