Anticipating AT1–August 7, 2020
These are unusual times, to be sure. With the $600 unemployment checks being reduced considerably this week by the U.S. government, there are plenty of people hurting financially. Jesus had some interesting things to say about money, and the generosity expected from His followers for those in need.
We’re so glad you’ve found Anticipating AT1. To keep our hope alive that one day we will be back together again, we are providing virtual meetings, with a new edition every Friday. Anticipating AT1 is 10-15 minutes long, and can be viewed at any time. We hope it prompts personal reflection and is a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
Stefani Leeper introduces this week’s edition of Anticipating AT1. Our message of challenge is presented by Pastor John McLarty. Jammie Karlman brings us Adventist trending news. And stay by to listen to beautiful music by the Thompson family.
Discussion Questions:
1. “To whom much is given, much is required.” Luke 12:48. With so much need around us this year, how’s your generosity these days? Explain.
2. Is the presenter challenging your view of what Jesus asked of His disciples regarding money? Why or why not?
3. In the face of need, it is right for people to share what they have, to be generous. But should you give until it hurts, or just until it feels right? Is there ever a point where you can be too generous? What should you do if it seems like people are taking advantage of your generosity?
Be well, and love well.